Items where Subject is "111708 Health and Community Services"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 45.


Ahsan, Ahsan and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Susilowati, Indri H and Jalaludin, Julia (2020) Dominant factors affecting self-efficacy of emergency department nurse in implementing resusitation. Opcion, 36 (27). pp. 1562-1575. ISSN 1012-1587

Ahsan, Ahsan and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Susilowati, Indri H and Jalaludin, Julia (2020) Factors affecting nurse efficacy self in implementing resusitation in cardiac arrest patients. Opcion, 36 (26). pp. 485-503. ISSN 1012-1587

Arianto, Putri and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Andarini, Desheila and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S and Wahyu, Atjo (2019) Determination of ammonia gas safe concentration in chicken farm workers in Lembak Village, South Sumatra Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (9). pp. 745-750.

Arief, Ria Qadariah and Amiruddin, Ridwan and Citrakesumasari, Citrakesumasari and Russeng, Syamsiah and Jafar, Nurhaedar (2021) Potential Health Benefits of Selayar Orange Peel (Citrus Nobilis Loureiro) in Selayar Society Perspective. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15 (3). pp. 4049-4053.

Arief, Ria Qadariah and Arief, Maryam Jamila (2022) Literatur review: peran anti-hipertensi dalam penurunan tekanan darah. Al Gizzai: Public Health Nutrition Journal, 2 (1): 6. pp. 51-59. ISSN 2775-0434; 2775-0426

Ayu, Pradita Sekar and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Arini, Shintia Yunita and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Rahmawati, Pudji and Ahsan, Ahsan and Susilowati, Indri H (2020) Relationship between toluene concentration, Malondialdehyde (MDA) level and health complaints in workers of Surabaya printing industry. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14 (4).

Bestari, Maria Ayu Dwi and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Alayyannur, Putri Ayuni and Arini, Shintia Yunita and Russeng, Syamsiah and Rahmawati, Pudji and Susilowati, Indri H (2020) Relationship between benzene concentrations with erythrocyte, hemoglobin, and health complaints of workers in Surabaya printing industry. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14 (4).

Budi, Danang Seti and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S and Wispriyono, Bambang (2019) Determination of safe benzene concentration at Kebon Jeruk Toll Gate Keeper Jakarta Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (9). pp. 929-934.

Dwicahyor, Herman Bagus and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S and Sulistyorini', Lilis and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim (2019) Relationship of total suspended particulate dust levels, personal protective equipment, and individual characteristics with breathing respiratory complaints at Benowo Landfill Surabaya. Indian Jourrul of Prblic Health Research & De.eelopment, 10 (8). pp. 1990-1993.

Febrianti, Rafiqah Rana and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Rahmawati, Pudji and Ahsan, Ahsan and Susilowati, Indri H (2020) Correlation of safe benzene duration hours/day and blood profile leukocytes, hematocrit, hemoglobin in the Osowilangun Shoe home industry. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14 (4). pp. 3242-3247.

Hidayati L, Sri (2018) Kajian sistematis terhadap faktor risiko hipertensi di Indonesia. Journal of Health Science and Prevention, 2 (1): 8. pp. 48-56. ISSN 2549-919X

Izati, Deviyanti Wahyu and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Singga, Siprianus and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar R and Wahyu, Atjo and Ahsan, Ahsan (2019) Safe concentration of mercury (Hg) exposure in fish consumed by the residents of bulawa subdistrict, Bone Bolango District, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. Indian Journal Of Public Health and Research & Development, 10 (10). pp. 2332-2336. ISSN -

Latifa, Yunita Tria Nur and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Solichin, Rois and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Wahyu, Atjo and Ahsan, Ahsan (2019) Determination of sulfur dioxide (SO2) safe duration in residential population around the fertilizer industry X in Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (10). pp. 2766-2770.

Ningrum, Diah Pramesthi and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Jalaludin, Juliana and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Rahmawati, Pudji and Ahsan, Ahsan and Susilowati, Indri H (2020) Correlation of Toluene Safe Duration (Hours/Day) and Glutathione Concentration, Malondialdehyde and Neurotoxic Symptoms in Osowilangun Shoe Home Industry Workers. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14 (4). pp. 868-931. ISSN p-0973-9122 and e-0973-9130.

Ningrum, Diah Pramesthi and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Jalaludin, Juliana and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Rahmawati, Pudji and Ahsan, Ahsan and Susilowati, Indri H (2020) Correlation of toluene safe duration (hours/day) and glutathione concentration, malondialdehyde and neurotoxic symptoms in Osowilangun Shoe home industry workers. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14 (4). pp. 868-932.

Permatasari, Giga Ayu and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Yusmaidie, Mohd and Russeng, Syamsiar S and Rahmawati, Pudji and Ahsan, Ahsan and Susilowati, Indri H and Rasmaliah, Rasmaliah and Suwardi, Suwardi and Devilia, Laela Agrista (2022) Systematic review: effects of exposure to mercury (Hg) as a cause of autism spectrum disorders (Asd) in children. Journal Of Positive School Psychology, 6 (11). pp. 1947-1963. ISSN 2717-7564

Pridianata, Vaninda Eka and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Lain, Bacrudin and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S and Wahyu, Atjo and Ahsan, Ahsan (2019) Determination of dosage reference (RfD) of mercury based on NOAEL and characteristics of workers in the area of unlicensed gold mining (PETI) Maluku Province Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (9). pp. 1170-1175.

Rahmawati, Pudji and Muljohardjono, Hanafi (2016) Meaning of illness dalam perspektif komunikasi kesehatan dan Islam. Jurnal Komunikasi Islam, 6 (2). pp. 321-331. ISSN 2088-6314

Rahmawati, Pudji and Muljohardjono, Hanafi and Wibowo, Arief (2018) Meaning behind illness: emotional healing among asthma patients. Drug Invention Today, 10 (7). pp. 1151-1155. ISSN 0975-7619

Ramadhani, Nesya Eka and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Lain, Bacrudin and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S and Wahyu, Atjo and Ahsan, Ahsan (2019) Determining mercury safe concentration in shells in the unlicensed gold mining area of Kayeli Village, Buru Regency, Maluku Province, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (9). pp. 1230-1234.

Ramadhani, Tya Nisvi and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Wahyu, Atjo and Ahsan, Ahsan and Singga, Siprianus (2019) Determination of mercury (Hg) risk level (RQ) with exposure through fish and drinking water consumption in Bulawa Sub-district, Bone Bolango District, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Research & Development, 10 (10). pp. 2703-2708.

Safitri, Mahfiro Risky and Tauleka, Abdul Rohim and Raharjo, Puspito and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S and Wahyu, Atjo and Ahsan, Ahsan (2019) Safe concentration of lead in community drinking water in the Tapak River area, Tugu City District, Semarang. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (10). pp. 2460-2464.

Salma, Erlinda Rasikhah Hadi and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S and Wahyu, Atjo (2019) The safe concentration determination for public health problems due to inhalation of air containing hydrogen sulfide around industrial area of Medan Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (9). pp. 957-963.

Sari, Rizqy Kartika and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S and Wahyu, Atjo (2019) Determination of safe sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentration among street vendors of Ampera Bus Station, Palembang, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (9). pp. 1274-1279.

Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Ahsan, Ahsan and Wibrata, Ananto Dwi and Rahmawati, Pudji (2019) Safe concentration of benzene exposure as ref ere nee for determining threshold limited value in enviromental working. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicolog, 13 (4). pp. 417-426.

Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Demak, Rahelia and Yusmaidie, Mohd and Russeng, Syamsiar S and Rahmawati, Pudji and Ahsan, Ahsan and Susilowati, Indri H and Rasmaliah, Rasmaliah and Suwardi, Suwardi and Devilia, Laela Agrista (2022) Systematic review: the effect of lead in the body on the occurrence of stunting. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6 (11). pp. 1964-1978. ISSN 2717-7564

Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Guan, Ng Yee and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Ahsan, Ahsan and Susilowati, Indri H and Rahmawati, Pudji and Ain, Khusnul (2020) Relationship of benzene concentration, ECR benzene, malondialdehyde, glutathione, and DNA degeneration in shoe industrial workers in Osowilangun, Indonesia. Nanotechnology and Microtechnology in Drug Delivery Systems. pp. 1-6.

Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Jalaludin, Julia and Widiyanti, Prihartini and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Rahmawati, Pudji and Ahsan, Ahsan and Susilowati, Indri H (2020) Determination Reference of Concentration (RfC) xylen exposure based on xylen NOAEL in white rats and workers’ body weight and height in Surabaya car painting area, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14 (3). pp. 1709-1715.

Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Jalaludin, Juliana and Adriyani, Retno and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Rahmawati, Pudji and Ahsan, Ahsan and Susilowati, Indri H and Rasmaliah, Rasmaliah and Zurimi, Suardi and Nendissa, M Maria and Devilia, Laela Agrista (2022) Relationship between toluene concentration and RQ toluene with neurotoxic. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6 (9). pp. 2409-2418.

Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Jalaludin, Juliana and Adriyani, Retno and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Rahmawati, Pudji and Ahsan, Ahsan and Susilowati, Indri H and Rosmaliah, Rosmaliah and Suwardi, Suwardi and Devilia, Laela Agrista (2022) Relationship of concentration and risk quotient (RQ) of benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) with Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and neurotoxic risk in workers exposed to BTX in Surabaya. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6 (8). pp. 7622-7631.

Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Martiana, Tri and Wibrata, Ananto Dwi and Rahmawati, Pudji (2019) Effect of food consumption contain glutahione anti-oxidant towards LDL cholesterol concentrations on benzene-exposed-workers at the Romokalisari Shoe Industry Surabaya. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 13 (4).

Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Pathak, Yashwant and Wibrata, Dwi Ananto and Ilmi, Bahrul and Ahsan, Ahsan and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S and Wahyu, Atjo and Maspiyah, Maspiyah and Sukarmin, Sukarmin (2019) Relationship of benzene exposure to trans, trans-muconic acid and blood profile of shoe workers in Romokalisari Surabaya, Indonesia. Journal of Medical Sciences, 7 (5). pp. 816-823. ISSN 1857-9655

Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Rahmawati, Pudji and Ahsan, Ahsan and Pathak, Yashwant and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Sukarmin, Sukarmin and Wahyu, Atjo (2019) Requirement Prediction for Toluene Detox with Foods Intake Rich in CYP2E1 Enzyme and Glycine to Prevent Nerve and Kidney Damage at Shoe Home Industry Workers in Romokalisari Surabaya. Journal of Medical Sciences, 7 (11). pp. 1788-1793. ISSN 1857-9655

Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Rahmawati, Pudji and Ahsan, Ahsan and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Sukarmin, Sukarmin and Wahyu, Atjo (2019) The cost prediction for chromium detox using foods intake containing glutathione at the leather tanning industry in Magetan, Indonesia. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 7 (21). pp. 3698-3703. ISSN 1857-9655

Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Wibrata, Dwi Ananto and Ahsan, Ahsan and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S and Wahyu, Atjo and Sukarmin, Sukarmin (2019) Determination of highest dose of Ammonia without effect at Work environment through the expression of interleukin-2 cell in Rattus Novergicus. Journal of Medical Sciences, 7 (6). pp. 897-902. ISSN 1857-9655

Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Wibrata, Dwi Ananto and Ilmi, Bahrul and Ahsan, Ahsan and Rahmawati, Pudji (2019) Association between toluene inhalation exposure and demography towards risk of neurotoxic: a Cross-sectional study at plastic sack industry workers in Indonesia. Global Journal of Health Science, 11 (2). pp. 20-27. ISSN 1916-9736

Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Widajati, Noeroel and Winarno, Didik Dwi and Jalaludin, Juliana and Huda, Nuh and Russeng, Syamsiar S. and Ahsan, Ahsan and Susilowati, Indri H and Rahmawati, Pudji and Ratnaningsih, Titin (2021) The effects of nitric oxid supplement intake on neutrophils, lymphocytes, and NLR of health workers exposed to covid-19 in Indonesia. PalArch's Journal Of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 18 (4). pp. 1804-1814.

Widayanti, Linda Prasetyaning and Lusiana, Nova and Kusumawati, Estri (2018) Patient satisfaction on the health services: a descriptive study at UIN Sunan Ampel’s clinic. Journal of Health Science and Prevention, 2 (1). pp. 22-26. ISSN 2549-919X

Widianingrum, Nur Vita and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar S and Wahyu, Atjo (2019) Toluene safe concentration for toll gate keepers at Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 10 (9). pp. 1241-1246.

Zuhra, Fatin and Tualeka, Abdul Rohim and Triyadi, Dimas and Rahmawati, Pudji and Russeng, Syamsiar R and Wahyu, Atjo and Ahsan, Ahsan (2019) Safe consentration of benzene on workers at public gas stations around Diponegoro University Semarang. Indian Journal of Public Helath Research & Development, 10 (10). pp. 2364-2369.


Rahmawati, Lilik (2024) Membangun Kesadaran Sehat Anak. PENERBIT YAYASAN MASYARAKAT INDONESIA SEHAT, Jawa tengah. ISBN 978-623-8688-24-1

Rofiq, Arif Ainur (2017) Teori dan praktik konseling. Raziev Jaya Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-73828-6-2


Nashir, Abdun (2022) Paket informasi terseleksi: conversation for doctor and patient. ., Surabaya. (Unpublished)

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Asiyah, Siti Nur (2015) Kesehatan: pusing dan mual. [["eprint_typename_newspaper" not defined]]

Asiyah, Siti Nur (2015) Mengatasi Alergi. [["eprint_typename_newspaper" not defined]]

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