Items where Author is "Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin"

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Number of items: 14.


Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin (2022) Online-Offline in Religion; Observing Islamic Learning Patterns in Online Media. Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman, 33 (20pp). ISSN E-ISSN 2502-3047, P-ISSN 1411-9919

Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin and Wahyudi, Winarto Eka and Hamid, Abdulloh (2021) Chinese Muslims’ ways of being nationalist: combining Islamic cosmopolitanism, acculturation and social roles. QIJIS - Qudus International Journal of Islamic Studies, 9 (2). pp. 279-314. ISSN 2355-1895; 2476-9304

Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin (2020) Instagram, Pandemi, dan Peran Influencer: Analisis Wacana Kritis pada postingan Akun Instagram @najwashihab dan @jrxsid. Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication, 1 (2). pp. 351-382. ISSN 2722-1431 (Print) E-ISSN 2722-144X

Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin and Wahyudi, Winarto Eka (2020) Teologi Sosial Muslim Tionghoa: Keimanan, Identitas Kultural dan Problem Eksistensial. Empirisma Jurnal Pemikiran dan Kebudayaan Islam, 29 (2). ISSN 1829-9563, E-ISSN : 25031694

Alfin, Jauharoti and Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin and Rosyidi, Zudan and Stelmachowska, Dorotea Moni (2018) Wacana Islamophobia dan persepsi terhadap Islam Indonesia melalui studi bahasa di kalangan mahasiswa Polandia. MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, 42 (01). pp. 207-219. ISSN 2502-3616

Conference or Workshop Item

Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin and Alfin, Jauharoti Alfin and Fuad, Ah. Zakki and Suhartono, Suhartono (2019) Identification of the Role of Schools and New Media Against the Development of Intolerance in the World of Contemporary Education. In: ICEMSS, 7-8 December, Banyuwangi Indonesia.


Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin (2022) Islam moderat: konsep dan aktualisasinya dalam dinamika gerakan Islam di Indonesia. Academia Publication. ISBN 978-623-5369-02-0

Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin (2022) Teks radikalisme dalam ruang pendidikan. DEEPUBLISH, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-02-4989-1

Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin and Wahyudi, Winarto Eka (2020) Jejak Perdaban Islam Nusantara: pergulatan antara resistensi dan adaptasi di era kolonial. Bitread Publishing. ISBN 978-623-224-429-0

Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin (2019) Sanad Ideologi Radikal. Nawa Litera Publishing, Lamongan. ISBN 978-623-8059-35-5

Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin and Alfin, Jauharoti and Rosyidi, Zudan (2018) Madrasas and Modernity: comparison of muslim identity and global context in curriculum of Madrasas in Indonesia and India. Mahara Publishing (The member of IKAPI) Tangerang, Banten. ISBN 978-602-466-091-8

Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin (0002) Beragama di Ruang Digital: Konfigurasi ideologi dan Ekspresi Keberagamaan Masyarakat Virtual. Nawa Litera Publishing, Lamongan. ISBN 978-623-8059-38-6

Teaching Resource

Niam, Khoirun and Munawir, Munawir and Rusydiyah, Evi Fatimatur and Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin and Tolchah, Moch. and Faizin, Moh. and Huda, Muhammad Nuril and Rakhmawati, Rakhmawati (2020) Pendidikan Agama Islam dan budi pekerti. [Teaching Resource]

Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin (2017) Aqidah ilmu kalam. [Teaching Resource]

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