Items where Author is "Safriyani, Rizka"

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Number of items: 21.


Asmiyah, Siti and Safriyani, Rizka and Muhtarom, Muhtarom (2023) Madrasah teachers’ self efficacy on constructing literacy-based teaching materials. Laboratorium Penelitian dan Publikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, 16 (1). pp. 52-69. ISSN 2502-194X

Khasanah, Siti Uswatun and Safriyani, Rizka (2021) The strengths and pitfalls of Edmodo to Indonesian EFL learners: student and teachers’ voices. Englisia: Journal of Language, Education, and Humanities, 8 (2). pp. 106-119. ISSN 2339-2576; E-ISSN : 2527-6484

Safriyani, Rizka and Wakhidah, Elfa Wahyu and Supriyanto, Catur (2021) Online learning strategies during Covid-19 in an early childhood education. Musamus: journal of primary education, 3 (2). pp. 145-156. ISSN 2622-7800; E-ISSN : 2622-7819

Khasanah, Siti Uswatun and Safriyani, Rizka (2021) A correlation study of reading comprehension with speaking skill in English class at vocational high school. Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching, 5 (1). pp. 32-39. ISSN 2580-2712; E-ISSN : 2580-2720

Septiyani, Dinda Nur Hanifah and Safriyani, Rizka and Asmiyah, Siti (2020) Toonytools in teaching narrative text: pre service teachers' experience. IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching), 9 (2). pp. 217-226. ISSN 2548-6497; 2302-2957

Septiyani, Dinda Nur Hanifah and Safriyani, Rizka and Asmiyah, Siti (2020) Toonytools in teaching narrative text: pre service teachers' experience. IJET : Indonesian journal of English teaching, 9 (2). pp. 217-226. ISSN 2302-2957; E-ISSN : 2548-6497

Safriyani, Rizka (2020) Corpus-based research in vocabulary learning. NOBEL: Journal of Literature and Language Teaching, 11 (2). pp. 203-216. ISSN 2087-0698; 2549-2470

Safriyani, Rizka (2019) Designing a computer based test version of a vocabulary test. JELTII (Journal of English Language Teaching and Islamic Integration), 2 (2). pp. 185-205. ISSN : 2654-444X

Muharlisiani, Lusy Tunik and Kurniasih, Nuning and Istiqomah, Lilik and Safriyani, Rizka and Abid, Nuskhan and Ramadhan, Yulia Rizki and Hukom, Salmon James and Siahaan, Basar Lolo and Ahmadi, Edy Anas and Hendrawati, Erna (2018) Designing an augmented reality strategy: elearning/ extensive reading. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2). pp. 410-412. ISSN 2227-524X

Istiqomah, Lilik and Muharlisiani, Lusy Tunik and Safriyani, Rizka and Abid, Nuskhan and Ramadhani, Yulia Rizki and Herawati, Jayuk and Indarwati, Indarwati and Sugiono, Johny and Harputra, Yuswin and Noerhartati, Endang (2018) Project-based learning in subtitling field: a description of a learning experience. Journal of Physics: conference series, 1114. pp. 1-4. ISSN 1742-6588; E-ISSN : 1742-6596

Safriyani, Rizka (2016) An analysis of the English teachers ability in creating online teaching media at Surabaya and Sidoarjo Islamic senior high schools. Journal of English Teaching (JET), 1 (1). pp. 80-94. ISSN 2614-4050; 2502-2121

Safriyani, Rizka (2014) Need analysis in learning English for non English native speakers students in learning English at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Surabaya. The 61 TEFLIN International Conference, - (-). pp. 153-156. ISSN -

Safriyani, Rizka (2012) Portofolio as an authentic assessment in teaching English for young learners. MADRASATUNA (Jurnal Pengembangan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah), 4 (1). pp. 148-158. ISSN 2087-2631

Safriyani, Rizka (2010) Developing the students’ efl writing ability through “put yourself in the picture” strategy. -, - (-). pp. 1-12. ISSN -

Conference or Workshop Item

Lazuwardiyyah, Fairuz and Uswatun Khasanah, Siti and Safriyani, Rizka (2021) Instagram and students’ creativity in writing: a students voice. In: International Conference on Islamic Education (ICIED).

Safriyani, Rizka and Hamidatul M, Nur and Ayuningtyas M., Laras and Erika F, Wichda (2020) Critical thinking in English academic essay: Indonesian teacher’s voices. In: ICONELT (International Conference on English Language Teaching).

Safriyani, Rizka and Mahsunah, Mahsunah and Munawwaroh, Ahsanatul and Usva, Alifa Tranei Hajizah and Nuriawarti, Fifi Armita (2020) Students’ perception about warming up in English learning process to improve students’ skills: the case of eighth-grade students at MTs Nurul Islam Pongangan Gresik. In: ICONELT (International Conference on English Language Teaching).

Harahap, Nursaima and Sari, Siti Meutia and Ramadhani, Yulia Rizki and Safriyani, Rizka and Harahap, Rosni (2020) Using rosetta stone media through the dynamic immersion method to improve vocabulary mastery for junior high school students. In: ICONELT (International Conference on English Language Teaching).

Zubaydah, Zubaydah and Soraya, Irma and Safriyani, Rizka (2017) Conversational hand gestures of student teachers to give instruction in microteaching class of English teacher education department at Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya. In: International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICONELT).


Ansori, Moh. and Afandi, Agus and Fitriyah, Ries Dyah and Safriyani, Rizka and Farisia, Hernik (2021) Pendekatan-pendekatan dalam University-Community Engagement. UIN Sunan Ampel Press, Surabaya. ISBN 978-602-332-139-1

Siregar, Wahidah Zein Br and Khoir, Akhmad Najibul and Mufrodi, Ali and Salam, Abdul Quddus and Swasono, Endratno Pilih and Hanafi, Muhammad and Ahsan, Muhamad and Ilaihi, Wahyu and Zubaidi, Advan Navis and Safriyani, Rizka and Taufiq, Amal and Anshori, Moh. and Siddiq, Akhmad and Anam, Samsul and Syafaq, Hammis and Nasruddin, Nasruddin and Aniq, Ahmad Fathan and Fatwa, Ach. Fajruddin and Catur N, Bambang and Himami, Fatikul and Purwati, Eni and Mansur, Ahmad and Umam, M. Helmi and Naily, Nabiela (2015) Kampus, masyarakat dan perubahan: "Aku" dan pengalaman belajar bersama SILE/LLD Project. SILE/LLD UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Surabaya. ISBN 9786027137547

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