Items where Subject is "200206 Globalisation and Culture"

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Number of items at this level: 5.


Hilmy, Masdar (2000) Dirasat fi al-Islam al-mahalli: adwa’ ‘ala inṣihar al-Islam fi al-thaqafah al-Jawiyah. Studia Islamika, 7 (2). ISSN 0215-0492; E-ISSN: 2355-6145


Kusaeri, Kusaeri and Pardi, Habib Husnial and Quddus, Abdul (2019) Culture and mathematics learning: identifying students’ mathematics connection. Beta : Jurnal Tadris Matematika, 12 (1). pp. 82-93. ISSN 2085-5893; 2541-0458


Mashuri, Mashuri and Alfin, Jauharoti (2021) Genealogi wabah dalam cerita-cerita Dewi Sekardadu. SULUK: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya, 3 (1). pp. 74-90. ISSN 2714-7932; 2686-2689


Rahmawati, Pudji (2021) Membaca etnohealing Jawa: sebuah pengantar memahami self healing berbasis budaya. 1 ed. Penerbit Genius, Mataram-NTB. ISBN 987-602-6939-36-4


Wulandari, Nanik Tri and Ismail, Ahmad Nur and Anandita, Septian Ragil and Musthofa, M. Bahri (2021) Model kepemimpinan digital dalam membentuk budaya organisasi di BMT. Jurnal Manajemen dan Inovasi (MANOVA), 4 (2). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2685-4716; 2746-282X

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