Items where Subject is "200104 Media Studies"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 13.


Adawiyah, Dwi Putri Robiatul and Moefad, Agoes Moh. (2020) Konstruksi realitas dan framing analysis pemberitaan kerusuhan muslim-hindu di India pada media online Orasi: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 11 (2). pp. 149-162. ISSN 2085-7357; 2541-7142

Afwiyana, Naila Dwi and Amrozi, Yusuf and Falihah, Th oi’atul (2019) Langkah cerdas bermedia sosial di kalangan santri milenial. SAINTEKBU: Jurnal Sains dan T eknologi, 11 (2). pp. 39-44. ISSN 2541 - 1942; 1979 - 7141

Dinurriyah, Itsna Syahadatud (2013) Konstruksi jender dalam pertarungan simbolik di media massa. Jurnal Komunikasi Islam, 3 (2). pp. 268-291. ISSN 2008-6314; 2655-5212

Hamidah, Lilik (2020) Covering former ISIS fighters: a framing analysis of the repatriation of ex-ISIS in the online coverage of Kompas and Republika. Jurnal Komunikasi Islam, 10 (1). pp. 26-45. ISSN 2008-6314; 2655-5212

Huda, Sholihul and Nurdin, Ali (2011) Komparasi perang profil tiga kandidat presiden pada pemilu 2009 (analisis wacana pada harian Kompas). Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 1 (1). pp. 36-67. ISSN 2088-981X

Nurdin, Ali (2017) Peace journalism (konsep, realitas, dan perspektif islam). Jurnal Komunikasi Islam, 6 (1). pp. 65-92. ISSN 2655-5212; 2008-6314

Nurdin, Ali (2016) Peace journalism: konsep, realitas, dan perspektif Islam. JURNAL KOMUNIKASI ISLAM, 6 (1): 3. pp. 65-92. ISSN 2655-5212

Nurdin, Ali (2018) The online Islamic media journalism in Indonesia: the trend analysis of political news. Proceedings of the International Conference of Communication Science Research (ICCSR 2018), 165 (2). pp. 136-143. ISSN 2352-5398

Nurdin, Ali (2019) The use of social media digital native and digital immigrant muslim generation in Surabaya. Proceedings of International Conference on Da’wa and Communication, 1 (1): 13. pp. 134-147. ISSN 2686-6048

Pratama, Sandi Marga and Muchlis, Muchlis (2020) Pengaruh aplikasi Tik Tok terhadap ekspresi komunikasi mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya Tahun 2020. INCARE, International Journal of Educational Resources, 1 (2). pp. 102-115. ISSN 2723-2611

Zuhri, Achmad Muhibin (2020) Instagram, Pandemi, dan Peran Influencer: Analisis Wacana Kritis pada postingan Akun Instagram @najwashihab dan @jrxsid. Academic Journal of Da'wa and Communication, 1 (2). pp. 351-382. ISSN 2722-1431 (Print) E-ISSN 2722-144X

Book Section

Zubaidi, Advan Navis (2018) Intervensi media dalam pergerakan Mata Uang Asing. In: Dinamika Tata Kelola Industri Media : Perspektif Manajemen dan Komunikasi. 1st ed. Sunan Ampel Press, Surabaya, pp. 123-134. ISBN 978-602-332-086-8

Conference or Workshop Item

Rosyidi, Zudan and Fidiyanti, Murni and Abdillah, Husni and Halim, Abd. (2019) Tracking and mapping the position of knowledge workers' agencies in new media. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Emerging Media, and Social Science, 7-8 December 2018, Banyuwangi, Indonesia.

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