Items where Division is "Manajemen Pendidikan Islam" and Year is 2020

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Number of items: 16.

Abu Bakar, M. Yunus and Mardiyah, Mardiyah (2020) Development of National Insights through Education and Scouting Training in the Environment of Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo Indonesia. Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (SJHSS), 5 (8).

Afista, Yeyen and Abu Bakar, M. Yunus (2020) Islamic Boarding School-Based Madrasah: policy efforts to reform the Superior Education Model. Al-Hayat: Journal of Islamic Education, 4 (2). ISSN ISSN 2599-3046

Asyhar, Ahmad Hanif and Umar, Athoillah and Novitasari, Dian Candra Rini and Kusaeri, Kusaeri and Fauzi, Ahmad and Ulinnuha, Nurissaidah and Rolliawati, Dwi and Wahyudi, Noor and Yusuf, Ahmad and Mustofa, Ali and Ulya, Zakiyatul (2020) Graph degree linkage clustering for identify student’s performance on Kompetisi Sains Madrasah in Indonesia. In: Smart Trends in Computing and Communications: Proceedings of SmartCom 2020.

Kusaeri, Kusaeri and Hastuti, Nanik Puji and Mustofa, Ali and Fauzi, Ahmad and Asyhar, Ahmad Hanif and Novitasari, Dian Candra Rini and Rolliawati, Dwi and Ulya, Zakiyatul and Yusuf, Ahmad and Ulinnuha, Nurissaidah and Wahyudi, Noor (2020) Stepwise iterative maximum likelihood clustering based on Kompetisi Sains Madrasah’ scores for identifying quality of junior high school grading distribution. In: Smart Trends in Computing and Communications: Proceedings of SmartCom 2020.

Maarif, Samsul and Maliki, Amir and El Muna, Naily (2020) Locus Control dan Efikasi Diri dan Kurikulum Entrepreneurship Pondok Pesantren. Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Surabaya. ISBN 9786239382292

Manan, Abdul and Imron, Muhammad (2020) Implementasi metode saintifik pada mata pelajaran Al Quran Hadits Kelas XI IPS di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Lamongan. Akademika, 14 (1). pp. 49-50. ISSN 2085-7470; 2621-8828

Novitasari, Dian Candra Rini and Faqih, Abdullah and Wahyudi, Noor and Ulinnuha, Nurissaidah and Ulya, Zakiyatul and Mustofa, Ali and Fauzi, Ahmad and Asyhar, Ahmad Hanif and Kusaeri, Kusaeri and Rolliawati, Dwi and Yusuf, Ahmad (2020) Identify education quality based on Islamic senior high school data in Kompetisi Sains Madrasah using fuzzy c-means clustering. In: Smart Trends in Computing and Communications: Proceedings of SmartCom 2020.

Rahayu, Dani Cahyani and Suryani, Suryani and Zainiyati, Husniyatus Salamah (2020) Identification of vacuum learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) primary school students in Indonesia. International Journal of Education and Research, 8 (9). pp. 181-190. ISSN 2411-5681

Ridho, Ali and Kusaeri, Kusaeri and Nasaruddin, Nasaruddin and Rohman, Fathur (2020) Evaluasi program Gerakan Furudhul Ainiyah (Gefa) dengan menggunakan model Kirkpatrick. FIKROTUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Manajemen Islam, 11 (1). pp. 1480-1495. ISSN 2442-2401; 2477-5622

Rochman, Abid and Huriyah, Lilik (2020) Social Engineering of Islamic Religious Education in Preventing Intolerance and Radicalism in the School Environment. In: International Conference Transdisciplinary Paradigm on Islamic Knowledge (ICONIK).

Rokhmad, Nur and Abadiyah, Elma and Permatasari, Emilinia Indah and sholihah, Ni'matus (2020) Solusi terhadap permasalahan internal dan eksternal pada seksi Pendidikan Diniyah dan Pondok Pesantren di Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Mojokerto. JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM, 2 (2). pp. 157-170. ISSN 2776-2017; 2776-2424

Supratno, Haris and Darni, Darni and Yunus, Yunus and Indriyanti, Aries Dwi and Abu Bakar, M. Yunus (2020) Entrepreneurship education in pesantren to train and strengthen santri’s independence in the Era of Covid-19. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17 (8). ISSN ISSN: 1567-214X

Thohir, Muhammad (2020) Budaya mutu pendidikan Islam: membangun nilai-nilai luhur manajemen dan kepemimpinan. Kanzum Books, Surabaya. ISBN 9786236250037

Ya’cub, Mihmidaty (2020) Peran pendidikan Islam dalam menghadapi ujian Covid 19: studi kritis adanya pendemi Covid 19. CENDEKIA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 6 (1). pp. 114-132. ISSN 2579-5503; 2443-2741

Yusuf, Ahmad and Wahyudi, Noor and Ulya, Zakiyatul and Ulinnuha, Nurissaidah and Rolliawati, Dwi and Mustofa, Ali and Fauzi, Ahmad and Asyhar, Ahmad Hanif and Kusaeri, Kusaeri and Indriyati, Ratna and Novitasari, Dian Candra Rini and Maryunah, Maryunah (2020) Identify elementary student distribution based on Kompetisi Sains Madrasah data using probabilistic distance clustering. In: Smart Trends in Computing and Communications: Proceedings of SmartCom 2020.

Zilfa, Rohil and Huriyah, Lilik (2020) Moderate Da’wa Strategy of Islamic Boarding School in Multicultural Society and Muslim Minority. In: ICONDAC Proceedings of International Conference on Da’wa and Communication, 3-5 Nopember 2020.

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